Precautions to be Taken in Preventive Medicine: Preventive Vaccination

We have been carrying out our protective vaccination activities with INDIAN IMMUNOLOGICALS LTD, which has international certificates such as GMP, GLP, TUV since our establishment.
RAKSHARAB Tissue Culture Rabies Vaccine:
Raksharab tissue culture rabies vaccine in the fight against rabies; Recommended for prophylactic use of Canine (Dog), Feline (Cat), Bovine (Cattle), Ovine (Sheep/Goat), Equine (Horse) Porcine and wild animals against rabies.
MEGAVAC-6 Dog Combination Vaccine:
It is used to provide immunity against Canin distemper, Canin contagious hepatitis, Canin parvovirus, Leptospirosis.
MEGAVAC-P Canine Parvo Virus Vaccine:
It is used to provide active immunity against canine parvovirus infections. The virus is grown in A-72 cell culture. It is inactivated by beta propiolactone.
MEGAVAC-CC Canine Corona Virus Vaccine:
It is used to provide active immunity against Canine Corona Virus infections. The virus is grown in A-72 cell culture. It is inactivated by beta propiolactone. Aluminum hydroxide is used as an adjuvant.